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We are Nina Brenner, Mary Cooke and Renee Windsor-White, three women  who have filed in the primary election to be the Democratic candidate for Oregon House District 11. Here is why we all filed:

​HD 11 is a very Republican district, and the realistic probability is that the Republican candidate will easily walk away with the election in November. Often, the Democratic slot on the ballot has been empty. What the Republican machine has frequently done in that case, is to organize a write-in campaign that inserts their candidate into the Democratic slot. Then they claim that they have the support of Democrats in Linn County. But that’s not true. Republican policies tend to support the powerful, while Democrats look out for regular everyday people. Here are a few priorities for people of every income level:

1) Affordable, secure, adequate & safe housing

2) Convenient, accessible, affordable transportation

3) Excellent public schools for everyone, free K –12 and affordable through graduate school

4) First-rate training & apprenticeship programs for the trades and technology

5) Top-flight medical and mental health care for everyone, without government inserting itself into decisions between patients and doctors

6) Quality child care for working parents

7) Support for small farmers practicing regenerative agriculture

8) Major infrastructure investments, including Broadband to rural communities

9) Environment and Climate Concerns

10) Supporting Economic Development and Creating Better Jobs


If a Democrat wins the election for HD11 seat, these are some of the priorities we would support in legislation in the Oregon House of Representatives.

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